Monday, May 20, 2013

Daddy- Long- Legs by Jean Webster

Daddy- Long- Legs by Jean Webster is about a 17 year old orphan named Judy Abbot who lives at the John Grier Home.  She is sent to college by an anonymous benefactor, and he will pay for her education under the condition that she write to him every month about what she is learning. For instance, she did a newspaper- like letter about Hannibal and the Punic Wars. She gives the benefactor the nickname Daddy- Long- Legs because she got a glimpse of him and saw that he had long legs.

At college Judy meets two girls: the amiable Sallie McBride and the stuck- up Julia Pendleton. They become friends and have adventures together, like when they walked up a hill at the crack of dawn to see the sun rise. She also meets Julia’s uncle, Jervis Pendleton, who is the exact opposite of Julia.
In the summer, Judy goes to a farm called Lock Willow, at the request of Daddy- Long- Legs. There she has a lot of adventures, such as fishing with Jervis Pendleton.
I would highly recommend this book. It was really funny, and I liked it a lot. I also liked how the book ended.

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