Thursday, January 10, 2013

pH Scale

The pH scale measures how acidic or basic something is. The lower the number, the more acidic it is, but the number 7 is neutral. Saliva is number 6, which is slightly acidic. That's why it can break down food. We did an experiment where we tested the acidity of different things using pH strips. We tested baking soda, lemon juice, orange juice, apple juice, beet juice, vinegar, and water. Baking soda is a base and vinegar is an acid, so when you put them together, they neutralize each other, giving off carbon dioxide, and this is what happens with a baking soda and vinegar volcano.

When solutions are more acidic, they have more positively charged Hydrogen ions in them. This means that a strong acid like battery acid would have a lot of those ions, and a weak acid like black coffee would have only a few of the ions. Basic solutions have more negatively charged Hydroxyl ions. Basic solutions, such as bleach, feel soapy.

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