Thursday, November 11, 2010

Solar Powered Ice!

I recently found out that my local skating rink, plus other nearby schools and buildings, are going to use solar energy! When I went to my rink to check it out, it was huge! These panels are over 10 high in the air over the parking lot. The news says that these panels will only make 1/3 of the rink's electricity. On the bright side, they won't spend as much on power as they used to, which was $75,000 per month.

The rink's panels will be photovoltaic, which means they produce electricity from light. When light photons strike the photovoltaic cells, electrons are bonked out of position on the front of the cells. Electrons from the backs of the cells will rush in to fill the holes left by the bonked electrons. This flow of electrons is what produces electric current. The electric current from the panels is direct current, and has to go through an inverter and be turned into alternating current before it is used.

Solar energy is a great way to make electricity instead of fossil fuels.

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