Thursday, February 25, 2010

Identifying Winter Trees

Trees are a big part of the environment. Trees provide us with maple sugar, fruit, shade, lumber and good tree houses. You can identify trees, even in winter! You can look at a twig to tell what tree it came from. I did this and found out a twig came from a hickory tree.

  • We looked at the buds. They were pointy.

  • We looked at the branching. It was alternate, which means one branch on the left, then one on the right, sort of like a vine.

  • We looked at the leaf scars. The leaf scars are the little marks under or near the buds, and on a hickory tree, they look like smiley faces with dots in the middle.

  • We looked at the pith, which is the pattern on the bottom of the twig, but we couldn't tell what shape it was.

  • We found out the twig's age by counting the bud scale scars. We discovered our twig was about 12 years old!

  • We used the Virginia Tech Twig Key for help.

Trees can be identified in winter and summer, whether beech, ash, or hickory. We shouldn't cut down trees too often, and if we cut one down, we should make sure to plant another one in its place.

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