Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Life Cycle of Octopi

Octopi usually have a life span of 3-4 years, but some smaller octopi have a life span of only 6 months. The male dies within a few days of mating, and the female dies after the eggs have hatched.
                A common octopus’s eggs are usually teardrop or oval shaped and the size of a grain of rice. There are usually over a thousand of them, but only a couple of the eggs will survive; the rest will probably be eaten or lost. The female sticks them to the side of her cave where they hatch.
                 When the baby octopi hatch, they are literally flea-sized versions of their parents and can change color. Instead of hiding in rocks or crevices and avoiding sunlight like adult octopi, they enjoy the sunlight and float on the open ocean. Once they are older, they hide in rocks and crevices, only coming out to hunt, or, for the males, find a mate. They will inhabit a nest for a long period of time.
                 How they mate is not really known, but after they mate, the female finds a den in which to lay her eggs. She closes the entrance to the cave with rocks and guards the eggs, blowing water around them to keep the fungus and small fish who want to eat the eggs away. She never comes out to eat and guards the eggs until she dies.
                After the male mates, before he dies, he may crawl onto the beach. As his brain and his other organs start to deteriorate, he behaves strangely, crawling up and down the beach in a seemingly absentminded manner. The males will stop eating, lose weight, and develop white sores. At this stage, they are very vulnerable to predators, including slow moving sharks and killer whales. 

Baby Octopi. Photo courtesy of

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