Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Mariana Trench

The Maraina Trench is the deepest part of the world. At one point, called the Challenger Deep, it reaches an outstanding 7 miles into the crust. You could fit a Mount Everest in there!

The trench is formed where two plates meet and cause a subduction -- when one plate moves under another. The weight of the plate is so huge, it's dragging the rest of the sea floor with it.

The weight of the water over the trench is so huge, your head would be crushed to a pulp! Even so, two people did go to the Challenger Deep in a very super-strong submarine called the Trieste. They had to live in a little sphere and had to stay down there for 9 hours. They could not believe their eyes! They never thought life could survive down there, but they saw a flatfish. Nobody has been back there since, and no one has broken the record set by the Trieste.

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