Friday, March 25, 2011

The Snow Man

The snow softly swishes on the ground.
I see the snow.
The snow sound calms me down.

A serene world comes,
Where the snowmen softly glide on ice.

Isn't it nice
To glide on ice
And spin thrice
And land with a thump
And a whoosh again, whoosh again
Whoosh again, whoosh again.

Inside you drink cocoa and eat popcorn.
He fills it to the top.

And the snow goes whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whossh
As the wind blows it away.

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Weathering is the chemical or physical change of rocks.

Physical changes can happen when water gets into rock cracks, then freezes and expands to make the cracks bigger. Wind can wear away rock and make holes. This picture shows a rock worn away by wind. Gravity can also contribute to weathering by causing landslides.

Chemical changes transform rock without actually breaking the rock. A metaphor for this would be charcoal turning gray as it burns. A chemical change that you might know is oxidation, also known as rust. Oxidation happens when oxygen is combined with another substance, usually metal, and the metal turns brown and gets weaker.

Another chemical change is acid rain, which forms when sulfuric and carbonic acid combine and make rainwater more acidic. Carbonic acid can also get into rock and form caves.