Saturday, April 10, 2010

National Poetry Month - April 2010

April is National Poetry Month, a special time to celebrate poetry and its place in our culture. The Academy of American Poets sponsors the website, and explains that National Poetry Month is celebrated by poetry readings, book displays, workshops, festivals, and other events.

We are celebrating National Poetry Month by reading more poetry (already love and avidly read poetry), attending a poetry reading at our county library, and participating in a poetry writing contest.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Culture, Ethnicity and Family Values

Culture is what you belive, what you wear, what you eat, etc. Culture is something you learn over time. You should be proud of your culture and ethnicity. Just because someone's culture and ethnicity are diferent than yours dosn't mean that you're right or wrong. Ethnicity is the history of your cultural backround.