Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Halloween!

One of our favorite holidays, Halloween, is upon us once again. This year's costume is based on "The Three Musketeers," given an original slant and recreated as "pupketeers" to incorporate two puppy Webkinz, on on each shoulder : )

We are looking forward to the Halloween parties, parade, and Trick-or-Treating.

Happy Halloween!

Fall Craft Fair

We had a good time at the Fall Craft Fair! We sold all of the popsicle stick sailboats we made, along with some clay projects. It was fun to spend time outside in the seasonal fall weather with friends old and new.

Our first Craft Fair was last spring. We are already planning projects for next spring's Craft Fair.

We Dig the Dig!

We can now say we have fully recovered from our second archaeological dig with Geoff "Big Dog" Purcell, this one on Western Africa (Mali). Our first with Big Dog was last spring on the Ancient Maya.

Big Dog's personality, management style, and ability to creatively deliver information about the artifacts, and relate to world and American history without dumbing down is remarkable. This dig was further enhanced by the dry, mild weather. "Wow" sums it up.

Outstanding experiential learning!